Resources that describe computer programming algorithms.
Introduction to data structures, with Java code, by Peter M. Williams.
Lecture notes by Steven Skiena.
Lecture notes; applets and code in C, C++, and Java; links regarding books, journals, computability, quantum computing, societies and organizations.
A dictionary of algorithms, algorithmic techniques, data structures, and archetypical problems, with related definitions. Many entries have links to implementations, tutorials, and bibliographical references.
Includes a guide how to build it and a JAVA tutorial how to use it.
A introduction to quantum algorithms by Matthew Hayward for those new to the field and who do not have a physics background.
Algorithms lecture notes, courses, tutorials, references, guides and online books.
Information on algorithms such as Bubble Sort and Random Number Generation, using HTML, Java and Perl. Collected by Lam Ka Chun (Raymond).
A collection of links for and to researchers in the subject.