Hi Ahmed, \
On the site running slow could this be the problem? The server keeps regularily giving an Sql error now that I have exceeded the max user connections. But the weblogs show that nearly all visits are from me and the site still has no other users and theres no evidence of any spidering in logs. Could it be somethings got broken and its not closing connections or repeatedly asking for new ones? \
I checked your site now, your hoempage loads in 41 seconds, this is a nightmare. Your server either has DOS attacks or something unusal or hacks on it. I'd check with the hosting (I think you are on hostgator) and if they did not solve the problem switch to another hosting company and if this is repeated on the new server then you know for sure someone is attacking your site with DOS, may be someone do not want you to start specially your domain name starts with "eba". Contact hostgator immediately as urgent or highest priority ticket. Backup your database in case you switch servers you just need to restore it so you do not loose anything. Do not wait too long for this issue.
Hi Ahmed, \
On the site running slow could this be the problem? The server keeps regularily giving an Sql error now that I have exceeded the max user connections. But the weblogs show that nearly all visits are from me and the site still has no other users and theres no evidence of any spidering in logs. Could it be somethings got broken and its not closing connections or repeatedly asking for new ones? \
A suggestion check a msql 4,x version.\
My site run fine with this database platform.\
Hi Francesco, \
Thanks for your post. Is your site hosted by powervps and if so which plan? Hope you dont mind me asking but need to have some options in case current host says they cant help and its best If I move the site. \