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A little problem... Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 05-23-11 04:21 PM next post first post
Dear Mewsoft:\ \ When I click the community link, I get this in red bold "Hello from category Announcements" in between the Welcome user and the Classififieds >> Community links. This is the code: Hello from category Announcements. How do I get rid of this?\ \ Also, the visual editor in the postad page does not work 100%. The demo on your site has the same problems too when I tried to post an ad. I read your info. about this on the forums, and I hope that you will take a look at this visual editor program we are using for classifiedawy. For whatever reason, it was working fine, but when I finished the upgrades, it starting acting weird.\ Not working properly: Font Type, Font Color, Paint Bucket, Link Chain, Insert/Modify Image, Insert Table, Help using editor, and about the editor.\ \ Charles
mewsoft mewsoft's personal page
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Re: A little problem... Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 05-24-11 12:44 AM next post previous post

This is the category specific zones, admin->category manager -> click on Zones, see the auction forum just answered detailed post about zones.

As for the html editor, I just tested everything and it is working normal. May be after you did the upgrade you did not set the correct permissions on the JS files or transfered these JS files in binary, they should be transfered in ascii mode. also if you removed any js code from the header class or the templates just restore it.

Also sometimes if you did not reset your PC for long time and ithad a lot of cashing, IE may not correctly display any page with lots of JS and may hang.

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chill chill's personal page
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Chmod Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 2 Posted on: 05-24-11 05:09 AM next post previous post
Dear Mewsoft:\ \ What are the chmod's for the js files to be?\ \ Charles
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Re: A little problem... Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 3 Posted on: 05-24-11 11:00 AM last post previous post
In most cases the default will be enough but may be on some servers need to set to executables (755).

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