Forums Index > Mewsoft Products > Auctionawy > Why would the mass emailer continue to skip my eamail addy!
ctoshack First Post Posted on: 02-09-08 06:30 PM
Why would the mass emailer continue to skip my eamail addy!

Below is the message I get every time. It's kinda strange. Of course I have x'd out the addresses but I assure you they are correct.

Sending bulk email
This process may take a long time. Please wait...
Sending letter:
Subject: Update
Message: This is a Test! Please Reply to this email if you received it.Thank you for your help in testing the ioffer WebsiteChris.
Total emails to send: 2 ...Skipped ...OK
Total Emails Sent: 1
Total Emails Skipped: 1
Time consumed: 0.150 Minutes
ctoshack Reply #: 1 Posted on: 02-09-08 09:02 PM
Re: Why would the mass emailer continue to skip my eamail addy!

I don't get it sometimes it sends OK and sometimes it doesn't. One time it will send to and the next time it won't

It's not even specfic to any domain. As you can see there are 2 hotmail addy's bellow one worked one didn't.

Total emails to send: 4 ...Skipped ...Skipped ...Skipped ...OK
Total Emails Sent: 1
Total Emails Skipped: 3
Time consumed: 0.100 Minutes
mewsoft Reply #: 2 Posted on: 02-10-08 01:09 AM
Re: Why would the mass emailer continue to skip my eamail addy!

The program will check the syntax of every email before it try to sent it out. So if its syntax is not correct, for example abc@domain.c or abc@domain.comc and will skip these invalid emails. Except for that it will be sent to your mail server. Your mail server is responsible for the deleivery of the emails to the actual address, you auction program just sends the emails to your mail server thefeore you should use a return address in your admin->configuration so you can receive the returned emails and you know what emails address are invalid in your list.

Mewsoft Support