jim First Post Posted on: 07-30-09 02:15 AM

Hi....\ \ Been a while since I posted any thing on the auction forum but have come across a need for a feature in Auction Away that I think would even benefit other Mew users. \ \ I wonder if there is a way to post items for auction but set the start of the auction to an advanced date for a certain amount of time. I am trying to post the items for a while for "Preview". Lets say I post an item today and decide to display it for 10 days and then automatically start the auctions on the 11th day for 6 hours. \ \ Could this be devised? It would be a great tool for those who open for auction lets say 4 times a year.Come to think of it I know at least one of the earlier Mew Auction users that opens once in awhile that could use this, I think they are into auctioning knives once every 3 months.\ \ Thanks\ j
mewsoft Reply #: 1 Posted on: 07-30-09 12:12 PM
Re: Preview

Thanks Jim, Will be considered.

Mewsoft Support

jim Reply #: 2 Posted on: 07-30-09 01:59 PM
Re: Preview

Yes thank you for considering the possibility,

And in addition I want to point out that anyone who has ever attended an actual auction (not virtual- on the internet-), has always been able to preview the items prior to the actual auction. So to run an auction on the internet in the same way would truly fulfill and mimic a real tradition in Auctioneering.\

\ One of the popular sites that's well known in auctioning does not even do this yet and I wouldn't be surprised to see them copy you just as they have done on other things before.\ \ all the best\ j\
mewsoft Reply #: 3 Posted on: 08-01-09 05:23 AM
Re: Preview

Can you explain more how this can be implemented in an online auction, as far as I got it, auctions items will be available for just browsing (previewing) before they go live (those items we schedualed or/plus other?).

Mewsoft Support

jim Reply #: 4 Posted on: 08-02-09 06:03 PM
Re: Preview

Yes Admin.........\
\ You have it exactly right. \
\ As far as implementation and the architecture of the pages, I thought may be we can take these steps:\

\ 1- add 2 input boxes on the "List Items" page next to length of auction \ 2- also configure it so on the general public pages instead of displaying the "Place Bid" or " Buy Now" button it would display "Item in Preview". \ 3- and in the area of start and end date it would show the true start and end date and the time left for the item to go Live. \

\ Please refer to the images provided.\
\ all the best\ j\
\ PS. Thanks for taking care of the static on the forum.

\ Also Correction on the images: The "Length of Auction" should automatically be calculated to be 9 hours in the images provided below not 6 hours. This was just for presentation purposes.
mewsoft Reply #: 5 Posted on: 08-04-09 04:09 AM
Re: Preview

Thanks Jim, it is clear now. Now the other important question, how these items will be listed, I mean will these items listed normal with the other normal auctions and fixed price items and available for search OR should be listed in a special browse mode or link on the navigation like "Scheduled". I am afraid if with other items the auction system will be filled with none live auctions and users may get bored from using the site.

Mewsoft Support

jim Reply #: 6 Posted on: 08-11-09 09:18 PM
Re: Preview

\ Hi Admin.....\ \ Sorry it took a while for a response.... work overload.\ \ Yes I do see your concern about the way it would list. And I don't really think this should matter at all. In fact it should list with all other items and be searchable so the prospective bidder can find them and add them to their "Watch this item" list. \ \ On the other hand you can even get fancier and create a button/link that would point to all the items that are listed for "Items In Preview" just similar to "Big Ticket" or "Featured" or "Gallery". So it is really versatile and not all that limiting. In fact if you refer to the image provided below, another way to manage this feature would be to make it possible in the configuration area to turn the feature ON or OFF. I hope this does not mean overhauling the software but the easier it is the sooner we may see it as a new feature added.\ \ Regards\ j\
jonesmarc Reply #: 7 Posted on: 08-13-09 10:18 PM
Re: Preview

i like this idea... if you don't mind my input i think it should be posted as a special link with maybe a featured box on either the home page or on the parent category page.
jim Reply #: 8 Posted on: 08-14-09 02:05 AM
Re: Preview

In fact not at all.... this is a forum. \ And here is the Merriam Webster definition of the word:
Main Entry: fo·rum
Pronunciation: 'fOr-&m,'for-
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin; akin to Latin foris \ outside, fores door --
1b : a public meeting \ place for open discussion c : a medium (as a newspaper) of open \ discussion or expression of ideas
3 a : a public meeting or lecture involving audience discussion\ b : a program involving discussion of a problem usually by several authorities \
The reason I posted this edited definition of the word is for some one in a prior post who thought \ the Forum is only for users to communicate with Admin. \ I hope he reads this and understands why we are here.
So, your Ideas and other user's inputs are more than welcome. \ This would help Admin to determine what is the best \ approach to address this interesting feature.
On a different note to ADMIN:
I would like to take a moment and say; that my heart goes out to you and your countrymen. \ I realize this is a sad and unfortunate time in your nations history. \ Even though I hope you did not suffer the loss of any one close or related family, I pray then extend my sorrow \ and sympathy to the remaining families of those who lost their lives in the most recent Ship disaster of the Red Sea.

mewsoft Reply #: 9 Posted on: 08-15-09 04:53 AM
Re: Preview

Thanks Jim, the idea is now clear and will be considered for sure.

Mewsoft Support