In fact not at all.... this is a forum. \
And here is the Merriam Webster definition of the word: \
Main Entry: fo·rum Pronunciation: 'fOr-&m,'for- Function: noun Etymology: Latin; akin to Latin foris \
outside, fores door -- 1b : a public meeting \
place for open discussion c : a medium (as a newspaper) of open \
discussion or expression of ideas 3 a : a public meeting or lecture involving audience discussion\
b : a program involving discussion of a problem usually by several authorities \
The reason I posted this edited definition of the word is for some one in a prior post who thought \
the Forum is only for users to communicate with Admin. \
I hope he reads this and understands why we are here. \
So, your Ideas and other user's inputs are more than welcome. \
This would help Admin to determine what is the best \
approach to address this interesting feature. \
On a different note to ADMIN: \
I would like to take a moment and say; that my heart goes out to you and your countrymen. \
I realize this is a sad and unfortunate time in your nations history. \
Even though I hope you did not suffer the loss of any one close or related family, I pray then extend my sorrow \
and sympathy to the remaining families of those who lost their lives in the most recent Ship disaster of the Red Sea. \
silence \