vesolovski |
First Post Posted on: 07-10-12 03:15 PM |
Please describe how exactly Body class is generated |
Dear Ahmed, could you please describe how exactly Body classes are generated?\
I've found that there are several body classes (in Listings, Account Manager templates, ..). Please write where to find the definitions of these classes (what file or files are these). I've found that classes are generally contained in classified\data\templates\Default\, but still I don't understand how they are generated. The reason of my question is: I wanted to put login form in the front page, I copied source code from Account Login Form template, but it is not working. \
One more question: In the class editior (which means file) there are classes which use another classes that are not shown anywhere (I think so) e.g. in the Top_Nav:
Code: HTML
, in the Welcome Area:
Code: HTML
or in the Home page:
Code: HTML
, etc. In the next update or some time in the future would it be possible to include all the classes in the editor? \
I ask about it, because sometimes I want to use just a part of given class and I cannot.\
Krzysztof Wesolowski |
mewsoft |
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 07-13-12 02:52 AM |
Re: Please describe how exactly is generated |
paula |
Reply #: 2 Posted on: 06-06-18 07:22 AM |
Where are the classes located |
Hi, just wondering where all the classes are located like Welcom_User. I wanted to change the link to go to the classifieds instead of the forum. Thanks |
mewsoft |
Reply #: 3 Posted on: 06-06-18 10:21 PM |
Re: Please describe how exactly is generated |