Forums Index > Mewsoft Products > Classifiedawy > Users cannot post ads!
cosmo3 First Post Posted on: 01-15-12 10:11 AM
Users cannot post ads!

Part of the problem is that the categories don't show in the category option, and the regions do not show. As a result, ad posting cannot be processed. Since the update URL (below) is a broken link, I suppose this is part of the problem.\ "" is a broken link!\ \ How are the regions (countried/cities) set up? Why the categories don't show in the ad posting form?\ If someone has an answer, please let me know\ Thank you
cosmo3 Reply #: 1 Posted on: 01-15-12 10:27 AM
Re: Users cannot post ads!

I was able to add region categories, but I still cannot figure out why the general categories are not showing up and why the update URL is not good. Please help.\ \ Thank you