This is a small guide on how to install Perl modules.
You must be the server root user to install Perl modules.
Any perl module you can download from . there are many ways to install them easily.
I will try to explain how to install any perl module in general on any server windows or unix.
If you are on a Windows server, install Activestate perl from , this comes with a program called ppm.bat or ppm3.bat, you just go to :
then enter ppm or ppm3
then the ppm prompt will appear:
type help to get help or type:
install modue_name
for example to install the DBI module, type
c:\ppm> install DBI
to install the GD type:
c:\ppm> install GD
and to install the module HTML::SimpleLinkExtor type:
c:\ppm>install HTML::SimpleLinkExtor
and to install Business::OnlinePayment
type: c:\ppm>install Business::OnlinePayment
when finished type exit to exit from the ppm prompt.
On none Windows server and also on Windows servers, there is a program called CPAN that also comes with all versions of perl, easy like the ppm the steps are from DOS or Telnet (needs root access):
%perl -MCPAN -e shell
This also will start the CPAN shell but if this is the first time you run it it will go through some configuratin steps when finished you get the CPAN prompt:
the same steps as PPM type install , space, then the module name you wantto install
CPAN>install Business::OnlinePayment
CPAN>install Business-OnlinePayment
if module can not be found build at these sites, and in general any module you can install it manually in 4 steps
1)-Normally all modules are .gz so you unzip it 2)- change to the directory it is unzipped and type:
perl Makefile.PL
on windows type nmake instead of make
make install
of course you can issue make test before it if you want
I think this covers installing perl modules _________________ |