Forums Index > Mewsoft Products > Auctionawy > Any Idea whats causing this
raider First Post Posted on: 02-18-10 11:40 AM
Any Idea whats causing this

Hi Ahmed,
Any idea what is causing this*&Cat_ID=0&Page=1&Lang=English
As you will see 2 of the items show as 0.00 price but show the correct price on the listings. The two items in question are set to autorepost if that helps.

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mewsoft Reply #: 1 Posted on: 02-18-10 03:29 PM
Re: Any Idea whats causing this

I tested 2 items with 0.99 start price and also one with buy price and both worked normal. Can you try to submit a new items with such starting bid and buy now price.

Mewsoft Support

raider Reply #: 2 Posted on: 02-18-10 05:06 PM
Re: Any Idea whats causing this

hi Ahmed,
\ Thanks for checking. No its a strange problem - Place new ads and everything is great, regardless of buynow or auction or price etc. It just seems to drop the price attribute in search listings once the item has auto relisted, but doesnt really drop the price as the listing itself shows the correct price. ie on the search result is says 0.00 but click on the item and the item page has the price. But while a listing is still in its 1st posting period 1,2,3,4,5,7 days etc the search shows the correct price.

It seems as if when the items are autoprocesed for relisting because they didnt sell the parsing script doesnt pick up the item price properly but as its stored in the database under the item number the viewitem page correctly picks up the price.

I Hope that makes sense, its not a big issue as the viewitem shows the right price , be just nice to iron out the problem.

Developing a UK Auction Site :


mewsoft Reply #: 3 Posted on: 02-18-10 06:28 PM
Re: Any Idea whats causing this

I think I found it, Please download the latest file and update the file only

This fix will apply to next relisted items only, means will not fix these already relisted items.

Thanks for that.

Mewsoft Support

raider Reply #: 4 Posted on: 02-19-10 07:17 AM
Re: Any Idea whats causing this

Thanks Ahmed.

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