Forums Index > Mewsoft Products > Classifiedawy > Locked Screen
helpufind90 First Post Posted on: 05-24-12 01:00 AM
Locked Screen

When I locked the site, visitors are greeted with html code rather than a web page.\ \ If I go to the admin and save, then go immediately from the admin screen, to the site through admin screen, I get the expected web page. I thought by re-generating the page it was the fix. However, when I went totally out, and then went directly to the site, I again get html coding and not a web page.
mewsoft Reply #: 1 Posted on: 05-24-12 01:59 AM
Re: Locked Screen

You may just need to refresh your browser. Anyway, you can use a full html page code in your message, the program will print everything to the user as you enter it without change.

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