It is easy of course to send the customer or even the site admin emails but not good as both will get emails from paypal so may result in confusion. The problem with Paypal return urls they use forms for return so they do not understand any query string appended to the script like auction.cgi?action=xxxx therefore we have to use a redirect script for each return url and you see we used two new scripts and I thought I'd save one on just returining to the main page, it is realy bad programming on paypal side All payments systems in our products are one way only, you can not use tham like a shopping card for issuing creitd or refunds, because basically the purpose is collecting a service fees not merchendise or goodies that you ship, once the user pays you he will be able to use the service for example he will list ads or auctions or his bids in the PPC will be enabled, so basically all other methods are ueselss for our products, you may thinks any is shopping cart. |