Forums Index > Mewsoft Products > Auctionawy > Changing the menu bar gives an error message
amateur First Post Posted on: 04-05-10 01:44 PM
Changing the menu bar gives an error message

I am trying to create a new menu bar for my site. And I am therefore trying to change the Top_Navigation to display other variables than those allready in place. For example I want to change the Variable "Home" to "How_To_bid". It looks straight forward and my menu bar changes as it should. But when I look at my page through the web browser and try to click on "how to bid" it give me the following error message:\ \ Forbidden\ You don't have permission to access /cgi-all/auction/ on this server.\ \ Does any body have a clue what could be wrong? Mewsoft installed the program for me.
mewsoft Reply #: 1 Posted on: 04-05-10 01:51 PM
Re: Changing the menu bar gives an error message

You need to copy /use the full link tag that all the part < a href=" < ! -- CLASS::Help... for instead of using only the language variable [[xxxx]].

Mewsoft Support

amateur Reply #: 2 Posted on: 04-05-10 11:44 PM
Menu bar gives an error message

Thank you for your reply. But can you also inform me where I can find the entire < a href=" < ! -- CLASS::How_To_Bid... string. I have gone through the Language manager, the Class editor etc. But I have a general problem of finding the entire strings of variable to copy? Am I looking in the wrong place?
mewsoft Reply #: 3 Posted on: 04-06-10 04:48 AM
Re: Changing the menu bar gives an error message

frontPage template.

Mewsoft Support