Forums Index > Mewsoft Products > Auctionawy > PayPal Form Landing Page Problem
gmsis First Post Posted on: 08-08-10 03:39 AM
PayPal Form Landing Page Problem

I have custom paypal pages for every website I have and in each site in the payment form I just added a code (input type="hidden" name="page_style" value="my_page") of course not using ( or this ) but rather < and > and my_page is the actual page name. This works fine for all the other sites and and the buyer alwasy see the same logo as the site when they go to pay, even though the account is under one business. \ \ \ ANYONE?? how do I get the Auctionawy to do this. I have added the code as proper to PaypalForm.html and PaypalFormIPN.html but the payment page still opens to the primary PayPal payment page not the PayPal custom payment page as it should.. so am I needing to add the code some place else?\ \ If so where please tell. \ \ Thanks
mewsoft Reply #: 1 Posted on: 08-08-10 04:09 AM
Re: PayPal Form Landing Page Problem

This is a Perl module on and not editable unless you remove it from your server ad make your own version ad install it again.

Mewsoft Support

gmsis Reply #: 2 Posted on: 08-14-10 07:15 PM
I thought all scripts were included

OK so you are saying not all scripts are included when you buy this Auctionawy... but it says all scripts and files are customizable in the sales info of your site.. \ \ Why do I want to use who are they and why is this safe for my customers sending PayPal data via someone else not controlled on my server?\ \ Seems to me in order to be sure noone is skimming data from my forms it sould be on my server in the first place.. I thought all scripts were mine so how or what is this And what is the purpose to using them and not just setting the script to be used on the server where the rest of the scrips are hosted when we bought this Auctionawy in the first place?\ \ Just a thought.. Last but not least I think you should advise people in advance that not all scripts are customizable or even actually given.\ \ Thankx not trying to be a smart ass just need to understand. I am sure other people would also be interested.
mewsoft Reply #: 3 Posted on: 08-15-10 04:43 AM
Re: PayPal Form Landing Page Problem

Seems you do not kow what is Perl or how it works. Visit you will find millions or what called Perl Modules, these are parts or Perl that developers ad web hostig companies only install and use only when specific module is needed. For example you already now using many of them now for connection to your mysql server and others for error handling and others for payments gateways, etc, etc,etc. These modules are basically designed by persons or individuals or companies ad posted them on This is the same way as MS Windows work,except that MS in most cases designe their system DLL's or ActiveX's or Libraries however there are many companies provide extra components for developers for example we use inour last Product Snapshot Manager components from 4 companies costing over $3000 and this is the difference between Perl and Windows, In Perl you find millions of ready free modules or plugins or code like what is on BUT in Windows you have to pay for everything the developer needs ad that's what really made perl this giant.

Hope this clears the idea of how Perl works.

Mewsoft Support

gmsis Reply #: 4 Posted on: 08-17-10 11:28 PM
thank you

OK thanx for the lesson on perl mods..