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valleysales First Post Posted on: 11-16-12 02:00 PM
Ads Manager

Dear Mewsoft\ when I go into my admin section so I can invoice my customers, I go to Ads manager, where it says 1 of 18 Ads...... i have almost 300 Ads on... but it refuses to show them.\ \ This is the first time I have had trouble with this, all my ads are still on my site so that is ok\ \ i go to the other sections like Accounts manager and everything is fine.\ \ Ive tried re-booting no help\ Any advice will be greatfully accepted\ \ Valley Sales
mewsoft Reply #: 1 Posted on: 11-16-12 07:33 PM
Re: Ads Manager

First, Ads Manager->Process expired ads, then

you must browse the categories normal with each ads in the same category as you see it on the user side.

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