Forums Index > Mewsoft > FAQ > Paypal DoDirectPayment and IPN Payment Methods Setup
mewsoft First Post Posted on: 07-10-11 02:09 PM
Paypal DoDirectPayment and IPN Payment Methods Setup

Our products supports Paypal DoDirectPayment method among many methods for accepting online real time payments from your site users for the services you offer. This method available for PayPal Premier or Business accounts.

Paypal DoDirectPayment is one of Paypal Website Payments Pro Services. Direct Payment processes credit card transactions with a single API call.

In your admin.cgi -> Billing Manager ->Payment Processor Setup, click on "Paypal Setup", you will get this form:

Paypal DoDirectPayment Settings

As you see above, you need three variables, Your Paypal Username, Password, and Signature. To get these required variables,  do the following:

  1. Log in to your PayPal Premier or Business account.
  2. Click the Profile subtab located in the top navigation area.
  3. Click the API Access link under the Account Information header.
  4. Click the "View API Certificate".
  5. Select the option " Request API signature".
  6. Complete the API Credential Request form by clicking button "Agree and Submit".
  7. Save the values for API Username and Password.
  8. Select the value listed next to Signature Hash, copy it, and save it to a file or some other location. This is your API Signature.

You have now generated your API Username, API Password, and API Signature. You have the necessary credentials to use the PayPal DoDiretPayment. You will get something like this:

Insert these values to your admin center and you are ready to select Paypal DoDirectPayment as your payment processor.

Making Payments

No on the user side, the user must add credit card to his account:

Money Manager -> Manage Credit Cards -> Add Credit Card

then any time the user wants to make a payment to his account, he just click on the link:

Make credit card deposit

in the money manager and make the payment directly.

Important Note about IPN and DoDirectPayment Methods

Please note, the PayPal DoDirectPayment method is totally different from the PayPal IPN method.

You can use both methods on your site for payment. The IPN method, the user does not need to add his credit card

to your site, the user just clicks the link Make Paypal Instant Payment (IPN) in your money manager and select

the amount and he will be directed to the paypal website payment form where he can pay and put his payment

information manually on the paypal form, once he do this, he will be returned back to your website and when paypal

process the payment, paypal will call a script on your site either on failers PaypalNotify.cgi or success  PaypalSuccess.cgi and the user account will be updated.

Mewsoft Support

mewsoft Reply #: 1 Posted on: 07-10-11 04:17 PM
Re: Paypal DoDirectPayment and IPN Payment Methods Setup

More details about all Paypal Integrations:

PayPal Integration Center

Mewsoft Support

mewsoft Reply #: 2 Posted on: 09-19-11 09:59 PM
API Errors

API Errors

This page contains the complete list of possible error message that can occur when making a PayPal API call.

Mewsoft Support

mewsoft Reply #: 3 Posted on: 09-19-11 10:14 PM
IPN/PDT Variable Reference

IPN/PDT Variable Reference

This page is the complete list of possible variables that can be included in the Instant Payment Notification (IPN) or Payment Data Transfer (PDT) post that PayPal sends to your server.

Mewsoft Support