Forums Index > Mewsoft Products > Searchawy > FeaturedHomeForm
wiswis First Post Posted on: 05-01-13 11:58 AM

I have used exactly the Listing layout and classes features like Snapshot, Decription, Rate it, Details, Write Review, Hits... etc. inside the "FeaturedHomeForm" class on the home page,.. the snapshot, Title, Description are worked but the rest are not working when I click on them, and I got a blank page. \ Could you please explain why I can not use the listing exact layout/classes inside the "FeaturedHOmeForm" on the main page..\ \ Many thanks
mewsoft Reply #: 1 Posted on: 05-02-13 08:36 AM
Re: FeaturedHomeForm

No, the featured homelisting is not like the normal or search listing. The featured home has the classes only you see in the default featured home listing. These are only used for special advertising and promoting and should be very short as possible.

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