fan4chevy |
First Post Posted on: 07-02-10 05:48 PM |
Couple ideas that I was hoping for |
Overall it is a nice layout. However, there are a few things that I would like to post for consideration:
1. how about having the category show how many ads are posted with a numerical value example:
2. how about an option to set up ad specific descriptions which will depend on what kind of ad is being posted. For instance if a customer is posting an auto ad they may need fields for mileage, year, make, model, etc. Wheras someone selling a table may just need vague description. In addition someone listing a house may need fields for bedrooms, square feet, etc. This is one of the most desired features that I am looking for in a classified system. example: auto section~
general section~
As admin to be able to set specific fields per seperate categories would prove to be invaluable.
3. to be able to click on the ads image to be able to enlarge it to full size. This may already be in place and just did not notice it yet.
I hope that these are features that can be incorperated in the system which in my opinion would make it stand out with no competition to bear. |
mewsoft |
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 07-04-10 03:26 AM |
Re: Couple ideas that I was hoping for |
Thank you for your notes,
1)-Category numbers already exists and works in a good way, each category number is the sum of all the items in all its childs (sub categories) so you know when browsing what each category have or empty. The demo is just disabled this option in the admin for nicer look on the main homepage I will try to trun it on for you.
2)-The category specific fields is the new technology in the classifieds software which is done on these new notes:
a)-Custom fileds called Format. b)-There is a one General (Shared) Format between all categories. c)-Each single category can have a category specific format. d)-Each Format can consist of unlimited number of custom fields e)-Ability to use Each Format for every language. f)-Before creating the SQL tables, you can set the Format size (NO. of fields). g)-The layout of each fields in every Format in each language is customizable h)-Separat layout for each field on the pages "Post", Preview, View.
So I think this should be a powefull technology in your hands.
Please check the new admin demo, the Custom fields manager, Setup Wizard, etc. |
Mewsoft Support
fan4chevy |
Reply #: 2 Posted on: 07-04-10 03:32 AM |
let me get this right |
so are you saying that it already has a system in place where as you can have different fields for descriptions for each category? For example auto can have mileage, year, color, engine, trans etc? while housing can have footage, acreage, etc?
Also one of my questions was to be able to click on the image for larger view, is this already in place as well?
Thanks for your reply,
Charles |
mewsoft |
Reply #: 3 Posted on: 07-04-10 03:56 AM |
Re: let me get this right |
so are you saying that it already has a system in place where as you can have different fields for descriptions for each category? For example auto can have mileage, year, color, engine, trans etc? while housing can have footage, acreage, etc?
Thanks for your reply,
Yes that what I am saying, for example, when you click on the post ad, every time the user changes the category on the poast ad page, the category specific custom fields will display on the page which can also be different for ever language you generated.
On the post ad page now you can see these fields in the demo:
General Textbox: General Text area: General Menu: General Check Boxes:
of course before the release there will be a complete clear demo for that.
General Radio Buttons: |
Mewsoft Support
fan4chevy |
Reply #: 4 Posted on: 07-04-10 03:53 PM |
tried to sign up |
I tried to signup to test posting but it kept giving me errors and I had all * areas correct.
Also wondering if it would be possible on the classified script to have banner ads on the right side of the pages show up to make extra money with advertisers? |
mewsoft |
Reply #: 5 Posted on: 07-04-10 11:04 PM |
Re: Couple ideas that I was hoping for |
I just tested the signup with no problem. As for banners, of course you have the banner system in the admin, you can create unlimited banners and campaigns and you can place the banners anywhere you want on your pages or even other sites. |
Mewsoft Support