Forums Index > Mewsoft Products > Searchawy > NO e-mail when sign up new account
w2009w First Post Posted on: 11-09-14 06:23 AM
NO e-mail when sign up new account


When sign up new account and submit the registration form, NO e-mail sent for confirmation, nothing at all, it was working fine, but just stopped for some reason.

I have checked the registration page and other language files, but couldn't find any thing wrong with any modified html codes,

What do you think is wrong?

And could you tell me please how to fix it?


mewsoft Reply #: 1 Posted on: 11-09-14 03:41 PM
Re: NO e-mail when sign up new account

Check first that you can send email from your site to that address and that address can receive emails


from your site, meaning, your outgoing email is working normal, and the receiving email not blocking you

or marked you as a SPAM,.

Next, check the contact us form, if it works.

Finally, check the email body and subject of the register emails in the language file.

CHeck also with different emails address.

Mewsoft Support