Forums Index > Mewsoft Products > Searchawy > Using database
wiswis First Post Posted on: 02-10-17 03:19 AM
Using database

Dear Ahmed,
I have (Directory, Auctions and Classifieds) on one domain under one database (customers can use same ID and password for all).

If I offer one or more extra Services / Products to the customers which means install softwares,... can I use the same database ?
In other words, customers can use same username and password to login and use the new products...
Is it possible if the software on different domain, or has to be on the same domain?

mewsoft Reply #: 1 Posted on: 02-10-17 04:05 AM
Re: Using database


If you mean you want to use products (software) from other companies, you can use as you like

on your site any software you want.

If you want to share the datebase with other products, no problem but not recommended since

they will not be integrated with our products, to use other products from other companies

and be able to login using the same username/password, these other products must be

built with compatibility with our products which I do not think or at least do not know

what products you want to use.

Anyway, only our 4 products are integrated and can be using the same database and same

login for all products, but not for any other vendors products.

I Hope I answered your questions.


Mewsoft Support

wiswis Reply #: 2 Posted on: 02-10-17 06:05 AM
Re: Using database

That’s good, thank you, I understand the languages of different softwares, like Perl, PHP, Java etc....
But one more thing, all products that we have purchased from mewsoft are installed by you, ... database/s are created by you, ...
From the system setup > configuration , I can see the (SQL Database User Name) but I can’t see or I don’t know what is the (SQL Database Password) ...
So what was the password that used for building the database at the time created (for all products on our several domains) ?


mewsoft Reply #: 3 Posted on: 02-10-17 05:31 PM
Re: Using database

Passwords always hidden (masked) in the browser. To know your password for the mysql database,

use your ftp software, loginto your domain, browse for the folder auction/data, download the file, then search it for the line that like that:

dbPassword~==~your password here


Mewsoft Support