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ppch First Post Posted on: 01-22-15 11:28 AM
Auctionawy 2012 suggestion

Hi Mewsoft I think need a button for share the auction with social network as facebook, Twitter and others.

Regards Francesco
mewsoft Reply #: 1 Posted on: 01-23-15 06:46 PM
Re: Auctionawy 2012 suggestion

Hello France,

Yes good you remind me with this feature, I added a widgets for bookmarks/sharing for all

social networks,  added a separate like buttons for Facebook, google and for tweeter, each configurable on

any page with different separate setting using our new widgets system, please check our new demo,

on the home page you will find facebook like with comments enabled while on the view items pages

only the like button, of course you can set the widgets on all pages or any specific pages with different options,

something like this:

[widget::FacebookLike(layout="button_count", comments="false", send="true", numPosts="10", colorscheme="light", buttonWidth="60", buttonHeight="30")::]

as you can see you can set the many options for the widget on any page you want.

Please remind me or let me know other features in your mind or directly email me.

Thank you

Mewsoft Support

ppch Reply #: 2 Posted on: 01-27-15 09:50 AM
About me page

Hi Mew , the Aboout Me page dont run , show only strigs and code. regards