Auctionawy minor upgrade. Added bid type in bid history Auto, Buy Now, etc. Fees on edit bided item. Fixed issues with posting fees on bided items, win quantity for dutch items, reset button on the review bid page, dutch bidders issue, edit bidded item in store category issue, How to apply new changes ===================
Code files =======
Templates files =========== theme\default\views\BidHistory.html theme\default\views\EditItemBided.html
Language files =========== file: language\en-US\ changed this variable: bid_reset_button=<input type="button" value="Reset" onclick="javascript:history.go(-1)">
file: language\en-US\ added these new variables at the end of the file:
buyitnow_bid_label=<font color="#9900FF" size="2"><b><i>Buy Now</i></b></font> proxy_bid_label=<font color="#9900FF" size="2"><b><i>Auto</i></b></font> offer_bid_label=<font color="#FF6600" size="2"><b><i>Offer</i></b></font> out_bid_mark=<font color="#FF9933" size="2"><b><i>Lost</i></b></font> succeessfull_bid_mark=<font color="#006600" size="2"><b><i>Win</i></b></font> canced_bid_by_admin_mark=<font color="#FF0000" size="2"><b><i>Canceled by administrator</i></b></font> canced_bid_by_bidder_mark=<font color="#FF0000" size="2"><b><i>Canceled by bidder</i></b></font> canced_bid_by_seller_mark=<font color="#FF0000" size="2"><b><i>Canceled by seller</i></b></font>
file: language\en-US\ change {currency} to <!--Currency--> in emails bodies
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