Forums Index > Mewsoft > Official Announcements > Webawy Released. Auctionawy 18.00 + Web Application MVC Framework
mewsoft First Post Posted on: 09-04-16 10:55 PM
Webawy Released. Auctionawy 18.00 + Web Application MVC Framework

Greatings from Mewsoft,

We are very happy to announce the release of our new product Webawy.

Webawy is web application framework MVC with built in tons of features. Webawy includes the latest version of Auctionawy.

Auctionawy Customers will be able to upgrade to Webawy for free using their license number.

New demos

How to upgrade Auctionawy to Webawy framework


*)-Premium upgrade customers, we already did this upgrade and emailed you about the new links.

*)-Using your license number for Auctionawy, you will be able to download or use our auto installer.

*)-Install webawy under a new folder call it "app".

*)-After installation call the upgrade script like this:

this upgrade script will do all database changes, will copy all your uploaded images, thumbs, attachs, etc from the old installation to the new one.

*)-access your new auction installation at:

If you have done customizations or translations to languages and templates, you can copy these files manually using your FTP from old

language folders and theme folders to the new one.

Please note that many language variables changes as we moved all html code from language files to templates, you will need to investigate specially

the language variables that used for the form submit and reset buttons.

Also some templates has many changes.

*)-Now in your new admin center, click on LiveUpdate, then click on Update, then click on Configuration Update and then click the button "Update Configuration". this will

add the new configuration settings.

*)-You need to set the new automation cron tools. in your admin center, click on "Cron" module, then click the tab Install, this will add the new automation scripts,

you can after that modify the times these scripts runs. Also you need to delete the old cron scripts pointing to the old auction installation.

Thank you

Mewsoft Support