Hello all, This new update added a new weather widget. The previous weather widget used Google weather api which google shutdown few days without notice. The new weather widget uses Yahoo weather api. The new weather widget added more information about Humadity, Pressure, Sunrise, Sunset, Wind speed, and Visibility.
Please update the following files: =========================
gadgets/Weather.pm gadgets/Weather_gapi.pm
Modules/Stores/StoreSettings.pm (fixes issue with stores settings)
system/Web.pm system/Display.pm system/YahooWeather.pm
theme/default/views/Weather.gadget.html Edit the template Frontpage set the weather widget cash time 60 or more to avoid blocking: cache="60" [ widget::Weather(location=" [ plugin::UserZip],[ plugin::UserCity],[ plugin::UserState],[ plugin::UserCountry]", default="37909", unit="f", cache="60"):: ]
Premimum customers sites already updated. Thank you