ppch |
First Post Posted on: 03-30-16 03:06 PM |
Minor bugs |
Hello Mew the site run fine but have a few of minor defect to correct:
1) the email of relisted item done a link localhost/xxxx and not www.site/directory/xxx
the same error have in the not_sold email
2) the about me page dont work, if click in the link about me of a member this open my about me page
3) fees for direct selling in the store, when a member list as buy now in the store this listing is free becouse this is the role of store, the seller prepay a yearly amount for selling items for free at your store and will pay the regular fees for selled items.
Francesco ppch |
mewsoft |
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 03-30-16 04:29 PM |
Re: Minor bugs |
for the email messages, you can edit the text as you like in the language module in your admin. Please email me or post here the full messages to find where exactly it is coming from. In most item email messages you can use the <!--ItemUrl--> to link to the item. The listing fees is not the same as the buy now fees, store items only skips the listing fees, of course you
can set the buy now fees to zero if you want int he admin fees module. The about me issue, you are correct, fixed and updated your site since you have premium upgrade service.
Others will release update soon, only will need to update Module/Accounts/AboutMe.pm file. Thanks
Mewsoft Support www.mewsoft.com
ppch |
Reply #: 2 Posted on: 04-02-16 03:14 AM |
Minor bugs |
Hello Mew the email problem persist. I have checked all languages for this email but show correct tag ---ItemUrl---.
I have tested your demo site and have the same problem with :
Listong_confirm (relisting item)
this is the mail text for relisting confirm
[quote]Dear ppch, Your item did not sell and as you requested the system automatically relisted the item for bidding again. Your item information is as follows: Item ID #: 999 Title: new cartdridge for 2 £ Start bid: USD5.15 Buy now price: USD Quantity: 1 Start time: Tuesday, September 25, 2012 11:00 AM Close time: Tuesday, September 25, 2012 01:00 PM Description: Test auctions The link to your item is http://localhost/999 Thank you again SiteName Team [/quote]
the email :
listing_confirm work correctly with valid url to item also in the demo site
Francesco |
mewsoft |
Reply #: 3 Posted on: 04-02-16 10:53 AM |
Re: Minor bugs |
Hello France,
Please go to your admin->Configuration modue, then click on "Site" tab and set your site url option: Base Directory URL:
you have to save the page even you see the default filled for you, it has to be set here for auto processing
scripts which works from the command line and can not detect a working URL..
Mewsoft Support www.mewsoft.com
ppch |
Reply #: 4 Posted on: 04-02-16 01:42 PM |
minor bugs |
Hi Mew very thanks for your interest.
I have verified the configuration, have updated another the configuration, but the error persist.
Note this error is present only for not_sold-confirm , and listing _confirm (for relisting email).
The site demo at mewsoft.com done the same error as verified and pasted in the previous thread.
I think this is a script defaillance, the setted url work with other email, but not with these two email.
I dont have acces to perl code email for relisted items and not sold email.
Need verified the code.
Francesco |
mewsoft |
Reply #: 5 Posted on: 04-02-16 10:43 PM |
Re: Minor bugs |
Hello Franc, Seems you are correct, fixed and I updated your site. Everyone else just update the files:
system/Web.pm system/Mewsoft.pm All premium customers sites updated also.
Mewsoft Support www.mewsoft.com