Forums Index > Mewsoft Products > Auctionawy > Starting a store
ravenswood1000 First Post Posted on: 08-02-16 05:51 AM
Starting a store

Hello. I wanted to ask about starting a store. I have a user where the "sell" checkbox is clicked and the "allow registered site users to enable and create their own stores" checkbox is checked, but when a user goes to start a new store it indicates that feature has been disabled by the administrator. There must be something I am missing, can anyone assist? Thanks much in advance.
mewsoft Reply #: 1 Posted on: 08-02-16 12:10 PM
Re: Starting a store

Hello Jeff,

To enable stores, in the admin, -> Stores module, -> check the boxes

Enable stores:
Auto enable new stores:

both boxes should be enabled to allow users to open and enable their stores.


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