Forums Index > Mewsoft Products > Searchawy > Modify Site Information and the Submission Form dose not work
salam First Post Posted on: 03-28-19 07:47 PM
Modify Site Information and the Submission Form dose not work

Hello Ahmed

A- the modification form dose not work:

When Iadded a site and then tried to modify its website URL, it give me the
message it was modified, but when I brows the home pageand refreshed
it, and clicked the listing title , I stillhave the old website URL, I
went back to themodified form and I can still see the old website URL
in the form and I could not change it.

B- theSubmission Form Setup dose not work


WhenI checked the box, show the Keywords: under modify URL and saved it, it
dose not work because when I open the form to modify any of my old
listing, I did not see the Keywords box.

Please help



mewsoft Reply #: 1 Posted on: 03-29-19 02:59 AM
Re: Modify Site Information and the Submission Form dose not work

You need to approve the new modified links from the admin center New Submissions.


Mewsoft Support

salam Reply #: 2 Posted on: 03-29-19 09:07 AM
Re: Modify Site Information and the Submission Form dose not work

yes this solve the problem A

A- the modification form dose not work:

but it did not solve problem B

B- theSubmission Form Setup dose not work


When I checked the box, show the Keywords: under modify URL and saved it, it
dose not work because when I open the form to modify any product, I did not see the Keywords box.

Please help



mewsoft Reply #: 3 Posted on: 03-29-19 02:06 PM
Re: Modify Site Information and the Submission Form dose not work

Once data submitted you can not retrive it, you can jus always submit modification and it will overwrite the

previous modifications.

Mewsoft Support