Forums Index > Mewsoft Products > Auctionawy > Subdomains for users stores?
jaaprunty First Post Posted on: 05-30-17 10:30 PM
Subdomains for users stores?

When a user creates his own store is it possible to have that store made as a subdomain instead of
mewsoft Reply #: 1 Posted on: 05-31-17 01:29 AM
Re: Subdomains for users stores?


Subdomains as stores names not supported. To do this, two steps required. The first step is to setup your own .htaccess in your domain

root folder to first skip your static subdomains then find none existing subdomains and redirect them to /app or the auction software folder

then this also should have .htaccess rules, then the softwre itself must have a feature to add unique store name as a valid sub domain name

which is not currently supported.

Of course if this feature is really important for you, we can do it as a custom work, just email us to discuss it.

Thank you

Mewsoft Support