Webawy 20.00 has Facebook Registration and Login Integration,
to use this feature and let your uses register and login using Facebook, You need to login to your Facebook account and create a new application.
Currently the link on Facebook is https://developers.facebook.com/apps
Your new Facebook application will have application id and application secret.
You enter these two values in your Auctionawy/Webawy Account module under the settings tab, you will find these two fields:
Facebook Application ID: Facebook Application Secret:
In the App "Setting" set the following:
App Domains: for example mewsoft.com
Site URL: for example http://www.mewsoft.com/ Then in the Setting "Advanced" tab set the following:
Valid OAuth redirect URIs:
http://www.mewsoft.com/app/LoginFacebook http://www.mewsoft.com/app/RegisterFacebook
Replace mewsoft.com in the above examples to your domain name and if you turned on SSL remember to replace http:// by https://.
That's all you need to use Facebook in your application.
If you get error like from Facebook like this one:
{ "error": { "message": "Missing client_id parameter.", "type": "OAuthException", "code": 101 } }
Then you did not enter your Facebook application id and application secret in the Accounts module under the Settings tab.
If you are not hosting with us, you hosting must have these two Perl modules installed also: