Forums Index > Mewsoft Products > Auctionawy > What is the path for new pages created in "Content" for people to link to?
josh First Post Posted on: 01-25-18 06:05 PM
What is the path for new pages created in "Content" for people to link to?

Hello, I cannot find the path for linking to pages created under the new "Content" creator. What is the path for those links? Thank you.
mewsoft Reply #: 1 Posted on: 01-26-18 07:27 PM
Re: What is the path for new pages created in "Content" for people to link to?


You have 2 locations you can create custom pages, the "Blog" and the "custom page" in "Design" module.

If you create the page from the "Custom Page" in the "Design" module, then the link to the page is displayed

for you on the same page when you click on "custom page" button tab. Some thing like this:

<a href="">Visit My Page</a>

So if you create a  Contacts then you can access it with this url:

Of course replace your domain in the link. This link again is shown for you any time you click on the tab "Custom Page" in the "Design" module

in your admin home page.

Thank you

Mewsoft Support

josh Reply #: 2 Posted on: 01-26-18 07:57 PM
Re: What is the path for new pages created in "Content" for people to link to?

This is not what I asked about. I asked about the "Content" pages, and their paths.
mewsoft Reply #: 3 Posted on: 01-27-18 01:37 AM
Re: What is the path for new pages created in "Content" for people to link to?

What you mean by Content page?

Do you means the "Templates"?. The software uses html templates for all its output, these templates

are html files with some tags to insert the dynamic output into these templates. You edit these templates

online from your admin center, click on "Design" module, then you will find the Templates where you can


If you want to see these templates files or modify them using your special editor, use your FTP software

to browse to the folder (*.html files):




Mewsoft Support

josh Reply #: 4 Posted on: 01-27-18 11:33 AM
Re: What is the path for new pages created in "Content" for people to link to?

Home/modules/content/newpage Page Manager This is a simple question. I am not in the custom pages creation area of the design module. I am in "Content" New Page Creator. I cannot figure out the path to link to the page I created, in a category called "misc" and a page called "references". Thank you
mewsoft Reply #: 5 Posted on: 01-27-18 08:04 PM
Re: What is the path for new pages created in "Content" for people to link to?

This is the "Blog" on the user side link. In the top navigation of your user site, click the link "Blog"

then browse to the page you have created and you will see the URL for that page that you want to use.

All pages you create will be displayed under this Blog link on the user site.

Example topic on our site is:

In the admin center, you can create unlimied nested blog/content categories, then add pages, or articles to these categories as you like

Of course you can rename the "Blog" link to any text you want in the language manager, the General file.

Thank you

Mewsoft Support