Forums Index > Mewsoft > Official Announcements > Auctionawy 2015 With Integrated Classifieds Released
mewsoft First Post Posted on: 03-08-19 04:55 PM
Auctionawy 2015 With Integrated Classifieds Released

Greatings from Mewsoft,

We are very happy to announce the release of Auctionawy version 2015 with built in Classifieds module add.

This version is a new desing with many enhancements and changes.

The new classifieds module added and integrated with the auction now. You have all in one package with

single user registration and login and single user account for the auction and classifieds.

You have new home page for the auction, home page for the classifieds, and Front page for all.

Try the demos:

Front page:

Auction Home page:

Classified Home page:

Features in this new version is unlimited, totally new design and layout.

Soon the package will be available to download in your customer account on our site if your license is valid.

If your license expired, upgrade now to get the latest version with the classifieds built in.

Thank you

Mewsoft Support