Forums Index > Mewsoft > Official Announcements > Webawy Mobile Version Released Version 22
mewsoft First Post Posted on: 06-19-19 11:08 AM
Webawy Mobile Version Released Version 22

Greetings from Mewsoft,

We have released today Webawy Mobile Version (Version 22.00).

The new Mobile version supports any device and any screen size automatically
adopts for any device screen comes with 18 attractive mobile themes your users
will be able to select among them the theme they want to see your site.

The new version ready for Mobiles, Tablets, Laptops, Desktops, and TV's.

Built on the top of twitter's Bootstrap Mobile framework at

The new version uses the same database as the previous versions but totally
new theme templates and widgets and most of the language files changes.

The latest version can be downloaded from the client's area on our website
using your customer license number.

Thank you

Mewsoft Support