Webawy version 22.22 update released. This minor upgrade added the ability to set the Front page/ Home page modules to Auction Browsing Classified Browsing In the Admin center->Configuration module, under the "Site" tab, the Fron page Module option. This allows the site admin to set the home page of the application to go direct to the auction browsing or classified browing all categories with the the featured items or ads on top of listings.
Files updated: ==========
app/.htaccess app/language/ar/Classified.pm app/language/en-US/Classified.pm app/Modules/Auction/Search.pm app/Modules/Classified/Browse.pm app/Modules/Classified/ClassifiedParseListing.pm app/Modules/Classified/ClassifiedSearch.pm app/Modules/Modules/Configuration.xml app/route/Routes.pm app/system/Web.pm