Focusman01 |
First Post Posted on: 08-14-10 06:09 AM |
System Maintenance and Prune issue |
When clicking the Featured button, MewSoft test ad which came with software still appears as an expired featured ad, even though the entire account was deleted, purge and pruned from system. The icon 1101216343.jpg along with index.shtml, (I know, do not delete .shtml :lol: ) still remian in the folders, featured, featured1 and thumb folder. All icons uploaded by me and then pruned are gone from same folders.
Yes, I can delete these three icons 1101216343.jpg from each folder manually, but before doing so, what happens to the ad page that icon is connected to?, can not locate it within folders, but yet it exists :shock: .
Same with aboutme_data folder(.zip modules inside) and aboutme folder(.html folders inside), even though MewSoft test account completely deleted and prune. MewSoft test folders, icons and files remain.
Even test icons and accounts created by mewsoft and myself and then deleted and prune by me still remain in html upload folder.
I understand a enduser or the system may expired an ad, so that it can be re-listed at a later date, so one can let the enduser know that all inactive accounts icons will be deleted after 30 days? and the same with inactive accounts after 60 days as an example.
Just wondering how to prevent these issues in the future? incase one has hundreds of icons, .zip and index.html files in these folders from end users, if they decide to quit being register with system completely, it will be very hard and time consuming to go through each one, figuring out which one to manually delete on a daily or weekly basis after account is completely deleted. Hopefully this will be completely automated with next update, so that when end user account or ad is deleted, nothing remains in any of the folders related to that particular account or ad.
Thanks |
mewsoft |
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 08-14-10 03:39 PM |
Re: System Maintenance and Prune issue |
These may be just was test items left back and should be deleted, so just manually delete them. |
Mewsoft Support