Forums Index > Mewsoft Products > Classifiedawy > Payment Processing
fredp First Post Posted on: 09-15-10 08:36 AM
Payment Processing

I'm wanting to integrate an affiliate program with Classifiedawy that pays a percentage for ads placed....

I need to pass a couple of variables from an authorized purchase so I can keep track of the purchases and calculate the percentage.

I'd be happy "grabbing" the information either when;

a registered user successfully places an ad and the $$ are deducted from an account with adequate funds, or....

after adding funds is authorized by CC, check, Paypal and added to a user account in their My Account Area.

I have three choices to grab the info;

Use PHP Include - <? include("/path/to/script/gotasale.php"); ?>
(Isn't there a way to "include" in the classified script?)

Use Javascript - <script language="javascript type="text/javascript" source="path/to/script/gotasale.php?amount=AMOUNT&orderid=ORDERID"></script>

Or an image tag

<img source="path/to/script/gotasale.php?amount=AMOUNT&orderid=ORDERID" width="1" height="1">

I just need to pick up the amount and an order ID....

Would you please head me in the right direction as to where the best place would be to grab the variable data....

I'm not sure if the variable data is available to "grab" from the order or funding confirmation pages since it looks like you only confirm "success" and not amount or order info....
