fan4chevy |
First Post Posted on: 02-20-08 10:58 AM |
How does this script compare |
I in desire of setting up an online auctioning system but am having a hard time deciding. I am fond of PHP and am wondering how this software compares to a php application being that this one is written in perl.
Do you all recommend this product or another?
Thanks for you honesty.  |
ctoshack |
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 02-20-08 11:41 AM |
Re: How does this script compare |
Were all using it aren't we.. LOL |
newbie |
Reply #: 2 Posted on: 02-20-08 04:19 PM |
A+++ |
I am also in the same position and actually bought another auction package. About a week ago I found out about Netauction ...and something about it "hit" me. Simple, attractive and powerful. Yes, I like it ...I like very much!
There are some things which other auctions have : [list:b2628bf5f5]Assign Free categories ( for promotions) Charge by category Charge listing by time e.g. 1, 3, 5 , 7 days A bulletin board would be nice ...look how useful this one is ! [/list:u:b2628bf5f5]
There is so much anyone can do with an auction package that it will almost be impossible to please everyone but inherently this auction package still has allot ...Auto installer, Language Manager, Template editor, to mention a few, can save you from paying for customization and the whole backend design comes very close to a "turnkey" approach. More important I find the program is simple and powerful to navigate from user perspective
and the support from this forum is also a big help! |
fan4chevy |
Reply #: 3 Posted on: 02-20-08 06:25 PM |
Thanks |
So it sounds like you all like it but it could use a few mods. So Newbie, did you say you had bought another auction site but like this one better now that you found it?
What other one did you buy? How does this compare overall that it is in perl/cgi rather than php?
Your help is appreciated. |
newbie |
Reply #: 4 Posted on: 02-20-08 08:09 PM |
Re: How does this script compare |
Hi fan4chevy,
Yes I did buy another auction package before buying Netauction . However I do not think it will be ethical to mention a competitor product on this forum, also afraid I'll get into trouble with Mewsoft for doing so... ha! ha! I 'll give you a clue was written in php.
I have no problem with Perl/Cgi because it is open source code widely used across the internet and I am not going to get into any argument about which is better ...Perl or PHP. I am not qualified to do so. What I can say is Mewsoft has made quite simple to customize Netauction with Language Manager and Template editor for non programmers like myself . And with free help from this forum, I really can't ask for more!
If you have a fairly good idea of php , you might consider going that way or else you might have to shell some $$$ to a knowledgable php programmer to customize your auction site, like I did ( Bla , sunken cost before I'm even started!)
I have already contacted a Perl/Cgi programmer to further customize some for the things I mentioned earlier that were missing. However beware of too much customization , try as far as possible to work within the program limitations because they might be incorporated in future upgrades ( upgrades could also become a nightmare with too much customization! ... should take some of my own advice ha! ha! )
I LIKE this auction package . I like working with, the more I use it, the more I learn. And I think that's important "to like what you are doing" Heck, I'm even learing a little Perl/CGI along the way ha! ha!
The bottom line is follow your own mind to make your decision after doing the research . And make sure you "like" what you buy !
Best regards newbie  |