Website Account Got Suspended for "autoprocess.cgi"
I talked to my host and they said setting up the cron job would be fine as long as the script did not hog the server which should not be any problem they said.\
However, today the cron job did its thing and hogged the server and my account go suspended. The file they mentioned that was hogging was autoprocess.cgi. They said the script likely has an open loop and stays open or something to that effect.\
This is an important feature, can someone let me know what I need to do to fix this so I don't lose my host.\
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 12-28-10 01:03 PM
Re: Website Account Got Suspended for "autoprocess.cgi"
We advised many times before not to set the cron job to less than 1 hour, that's do not let the cron job execute more than one time every one hour to save your server resources. You may be set it to run every minute or so, check your Auto processing setting.
Re: Website Account Got Suspended for "autoprocess.cgi"
I had a similar situation with Netauction months ago. I had made a bad edit to my database and it had become corrupt. Autoprocess.cgi was unable to finish it's "process" so it kept a "loop" as you say. It was starting a new process before the other one could finish and eventually used up my alloted memory for my account.\
I went in and found the problem in the database, deleted those entries and everything was fine after that. \
So, if you've been playing around in the database, you might want to check there also.
Reply #: 3 Posted on: 12-28-10 03:35 PM
Re: Website Account Got Suspended for "autoprocess.cgi"
Just process it manually from the admin->Ads manager to see if it finishs or hangs.
Re: Website Account Got Suspended for "autoprocess.cgi"
Thanks for your interest in helping me. I am using both the classifieds and the auction script. I did install the new update for classifieds.\
My settings for auto processing is set to '2'. Every day, Every Month, Every Weekday.\
You mentioned manual processing so I just processed and it says:\
Processing Expired Ads\
Total Expired Ads: 0\
Time consumed: 0.017 minutes\
However, for my auction system when I did manual (keep in mind my host never mentioned anything about the auction script) says this:\
Processing Closed Auctions\
Total Ended Auctions: 0\
--------------------------- it never said Done.....\
Can you please let me know what to set this too if I have it set wrong and also what and how to look for any particular errors as was mentioned. The host did say it was likely looping.\
When I got suspended was last night and here is the log which sent 29 emails.\
Automatic Job Start At: Tuesday, 12 April, 2005 - 22:00\
Total Expired Ads: 2\
Total Ads Processed: 2\
Automatic Job End at: Tuesday, 12 April, 2005 - 22:00\
Automatic Job Start At: Wednesday, 13 April, 2005 - 22:00\
Total Expired Ads: 29\
Total Ads Processed: 29\
Automatic Job End at: Wednesday, 13 April, 2005 - 22:00\
Manual Job Start At: Thursday, 14 April, 2005 - 18:18\
Total Expired Ads: 0\
Total Ads Processed: 0\
Manual Job End at: Thursday, 14 April, 2005 - 18:18
Reply #: 5 Posted on: 12-29-10 04:10 AM
Re: Website Account Got Suspended for "autoprocess.cgi"
I do not see a problem but you may need to update the autoprocess files for both to make sure you have the latest versions, there was a fixes in both files a long time since the release so to make sure you have to latest versions update. and try the manual processing you should see the link "close this window" when they finish.
Re: Website Account Got Suspended for "autoprocess.cgi"
Thanks for your reply. I actually did update the file with the update. I am wondering if the fact that 29 emails went out caused the server to hog and looked like spamming. Can that be? \
Also I did see the close button on both.\
Can you please also explain to me how the hour works on the autoprocessing. I see it has 0-23 and you mentioned not to go below 1. \
I should have the autoprocess in the middle of the morning rather than at 11pm. Also anything else that you can think of that can fix my problem is appreciated.\
Thanks, \
Reply #: 7 Posted on: 12-29-10 05:30 AM
Re: Website Account Got Suspended for "autoprocess.cgi"
I mean not process it more than one time every one hour, you are fine. Yes may be your ISP thought you are SPAMing or may be their mail server is very busy so it took too long time to respond to your programs. In general these hosting companies that put tight resitrictions on their users makes it realy difficult to use their servers for a real business since they put thousands of websites on each server and in this case I just recommend to switch to a good hosting company, check our hosting partner.
Re: Website Account Got Suspended for "autoprocess.cgi"
If I want to set the system to auto populate at 2 or 3am what do I set the function to?\
In addition, I think that I got shut down because it sent out 29 emails. Does it take much resources to send 29emails? I guess someone had complained that the server was overloaded so then they checked the server and found my script taking the resources.
Reply #: 9 Posted on: 12-31-10 05:21 AM
Re: Website Account Got Suspended for "autoprocess.cgi"
What a 29 email should be if your site has thousands of users and you need to send thousands of email every hour or the users needs to contact each other about ads, of course this is useless hosting account and again the solution is to switch to a powerfull hosting account, see our partner Linux plans.
Re: Website Account Got Suspended for "autoprocess.cgi"
ok here is what I found out. I contancted my host and they stated that I can do up to 200 emails per hour. So 29 emails could not have caused it.\
However, I am looking into another host and more likely the one you mentioned here. Until then can you tell me how I need to set the auto function up so that it does the process at perhaps 2am or 3am. The reason being that it is the least likely to affect others or be noticed for that matter.
Reply #: 11 Posted on: 01-02-11 09:43 AM
Re: Website Account Got Suspended for "autoprocess.cgi"
Most companies will allow to run it every one hour without any problems including our hosting partner.
Re: Website Account Got Suspended for "autoprocess.cgi"
Thanks for the reply. However, I would like to know how to set it or what the setting is to have it only do it once a day at lets say 2am or 3am around that time frame.
Reply #: 13 Posted on: 01-02-11 04:19 PM
Re: Website Account Got Suspended for "autoprocess.cgi"
Re: Website Account Got Suspended for "autoprocess.cgi"
Mewsoft thanks for your help. However, the display you posted shows \
hour 0\
Day of month 1\
Month of year January\
Day of week Sunday\
I see that this section is clickable that you inserted. However, what do I need to select to make it do its job at 2 or 3am? What hour do I put it too. I don't want to do a trial and error and have it process at 10pm or something and they shut me down again. I think I had originally at 2 for the hour and it processed my ads at 11pm my time.
Reply #: 15 Posted on: 01-04-11 07:06 AM
Re: Website Account Got Suspended for "autoprocess.cgi"
Yes sorry I did not noticed that it will loose the selected items. for 3 am: