Forums Index > Mewsoft Products > Classifiedawy > ! Classes disappeared
springanew First Post Posted on: 12-07-10 02:40 PM
! Classes disappeared

OK I'm not going to panic. I know they were there yesterday, but today clicking on items like register and help links I get !xyz is not found.\ \ I hope it's ok to put URLs, for example when I click on register I see:\ \< !--CLASS:: Sign_Up-- > \ \ (I added some spaces as it did weird things in this post when I didn't)\ \ and an error notice that is does not exist.\ \ I take it that it should call for an action= rather than a
mewsoft Reply #: 1 Posted on: 12-07-10 07:52 PM
Re: ! Classes disappeared

You may be edited the classes or templates with visual editor like Frontpage which converts all comments tags like <!- to & lt ; and the > to & gt; . The best you can do is to revert what you edited or upload the templates again and the file /Default/ which contains the classes.

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