pm12124 |
First Post Posted on: 11-07-08 06:52 AM |
Thumbnail Quality |
I was wondering why the thumbnail quality is so bad on my auction website. I took a picture straight from the demo site and placed it as an auction in my website which created a thumbnail and the quality of the thumbnail in my website is far less. I have attached the two thumbnails and you can see the difference. Does anyone know why this is?\
Philip |
mewsoft |
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 11-07-08 01:28 PM |
Re: Thumbnail Quality |
Try using images from your computer, may be using images that already resize before reduces the quality. |
Mewsoft Support
pm12124 |
Reply #: 2 Posted on: 11-07-08 04:37 PM |
Re: Thumbnail Quality |
I did use the original image from the auction item detail page, so that wasn't already reduced and that would of been the same way it was created on the demo site I have also done it with pictures from my computer and they are awful. Any other ideas why this would be. I'm not familiar with the GD Module, is there a setting or something that determines quality? |
wannauseit |
Reply #: 3 Posted on: 11-07-08 08:38 PM |
Re: Thumbnail Quality |
I had a similar problem with my host at one time. I suppose it was a setting on their end your bad thumb actually looks better than mine were at the time). \
I changed hosts for another reason and my thumbs were fixed.\
I wonder if you are being hosted by or on a FreeBSD Vdeck server? |
pm12124 |
Reply #: 4 Posted on: 11-07-08 08:42 PM |
Re: Thumbnail Quality |
Correct I'm being hosted on with FreeBSD Vdeck. |
wannauseit |
Reply #: 5 Posted on: 11-07-08 08:47 PM |
Re: Thumbnail Quality |
Run as fast as you can!!!\
You can get them to switch you to one of their other older servers and your image problem would go away, but they are overloaded and only running on one CPU (as are the Vdeck ones).\
I didn't know how horrible their service was until I switched to a nother hosting company.\
I would switch hosting companies if I were you. |
pm12124 |
Reply #: 6 Posted on: 11-07-08 09:05 PM |
Re: Thumbnail Quality |
I'll take that into consideration. Thanks for your help on the ISP, so who do you recommend? I just figured out a way to fix it by visiting the GD Module FAQ. I added the following line of code to the Create_Thumbnail sub: GD::Image->trueColor(1); It appears they must have the new version of GD and you need this to make truecolor images. I just tried it and it fixed my problem. |
wannauseit |
Reply #: 7 Posted on: 11-07-08 09:13 PM |
Re: Thumbnail Quality |
Maybe they do have a new version of GD.\
I went through weeks of reading, changing code (like what you changed), and contacting their support and they were unable to help me, so maybe they did upgrade.\
This was about 6 months ago.\
I'd suggest if you ever decide to change. Some others here are using the partner hosting of Mewsoft, but I can't remember the name of it. |
bidzonline |
Reply #: 8 Posted on: 11-08-08 07:33 PM |
thumbnail image |
I have the same problem with my thumbnail images. Could you be little more specific on where exactly I can change the code?\
Thanks in advance.\
\ |
Grigor K. webmaster |
bidzonline |
Reply #: 9 Posted on: 11-08-08 07:40 PM |
thumbnail image |
I have the same problem with my thumbnail images. Could you be little more specific on where exactly I can change the code?\
Thanks in advance.\
\ |
Grigor K. webmaster |
pm12124 |
Reply #: 10 Posted on: 11-10-08 01:36 AM |
Re: Thumbnail Quality |
Open up the file and search for the "sub Create_Thumbnail" put the following line of code after the two "my" statements before the if statement: GD::Image->trueColor(1); |
smokyant2000 |
Reply #: 11 Posted on: 12-19-11 01:54 AM |
Re: Thumbnail Quality |
i cant seem to find this file "" only "" my pics need work also and ive hunted for every term and cant find the variable \
what should i type in and where to get there.\
please and thanks  |
smokyant2000 |
Reply #: 12 Posted on: 12-19-11 01:55 AM |
Re: Thumbnail Quality |
i cant seem to find this file "" only "" my pics need work also and ive hunted for every term and cant find the variable \
what should i type in and where to get there.\
please and thanks  |
mewsoft |
Reply #: 13 Posted on: 12-19-11 06:06 AM |
Re: Thumbnail Quality |
You do not need to edit or do anything as long as you have the latest version as this already done in the current versions. Please do not go through the forum old topics and reply to them, these old topics issues already managed or fixed in the latest versions always, so you and every new customer should not look at older topics issues as current issue. Thank you |
Mewsoft Support
mewsoft |
Reply #: 14 Posted on: 12-19-11 05:58 PM |
Re: Thumbnail Quality |
smokyant2000, Please do not repeat the same topics, I deleted your other topic, I just updated your auction with that file to confirm my self the update, try it. remember any images when resized it looses a percentage of the details, anyway, the software itself does not handle the image processing part, all image processing are done by the system GD module. Thanks |
Mewsoft Support