This is the help when you create a new page called Test:
Code: HTML
</p><p>Custom page <b>Test</b> has been created.<br /><br />Edit the language files <b></b> from the Language Manager for each language. Also edit the template file <b></b> from the template editor for each them. To insert a link in your templates for this page, insert the class <b><!--CLASS::Page:Test--></b> in your templates.<br /><br />
so after you create it insert the class:
Code: HTML
in your template, this class will insert only the link part not the full url so to display a link say Test page:
Code: HTML
</p><p><a href="<strong><!--CLASS::Page:Test-->"</strong>>Test Page</a></p><p>
To access the page direct r using the direct URL generated by the program , it will be like this:
Code: HTML
</p><p><a href=""></a></p><p>