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Saturday, February 22, 2025 09:00 AM |
Search Help Required and Prohibited Search Words Attaching one of the following operators will either require or prohibit words from appearing in the search results. [ + / AND]: Attaching a + (plus sign) to a word requires that the word be found in all of the search results. [- / AND NOT]: Attaching a - (minus sign) in front of a word requires that the word not be found in any of the search results. | Search for exact phrases using quotation marks (" ") Putting quotes around a set of words will find items with those exact words in sequence. | Wildcard Matching (*) Attaching a * to the right-hand side of a word will return left side partial matches. | Search Command Summary | Here is a summary of the search commands available to you: | Search for | Command | Example | One word AND another | Use space between words Use AND between words Use + between words | computer monitor computer and monitor computer + monitor Returns listings with the words computer and monitor. | One word OR another | word1 OR word2 | movie or video Returns all listings with the words movie or video. | EXACTLY these words | "word1 word2 word3" | "computer hard disk" Returns listings with exactly the words computer, hard, and disk in that specific order, separated by a space. | One word AND NOT another | - (minus sign) word1 -word2 word1 AND NOT word2 | computer -used Returns listings containing the word computer and will exclude all items containing the word used. | Any words starting with a SPECIFIC SEQUENCE OF LETTERS | * (asterisk symbol) | comp* Returns listings with words starting with "comp" such as computer, compact and company. | | Combining the Syntax You may combine any of the query syntax as long as the syntax is combined in the proper order. |
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