This upgrade includes few improvments. *)-My account->Bidding list end time updated to use count downs instead of fixed time. *)-Edit Profile page updated to keep new passwords during errors on changing data. *)-View items pages updated to remove the gallery/images code block if no images upload, this will remove the gallery html code if no images uploaded to avoid empty gallery block. Fixed js/jquery.galleriffic.js which causes error on view items pages if no images uploaded. *)-Seller paid date on the Sold list removed debug code left. *)-Watching list updated to not redirect to home page *)-Pending Offers count updated to reflect only the offered quantity instead of the item quantity. *)-Modify item delete upload images fixed which was directing to submit new item. *)-Advanced search by bidder radio buttons options fixed. *)-Sell page, length of auction 1hour was changing to 10 Hours if click make changes or relist. *)-View item page weight unit kg fixed. *)-Unused field on the preview items page "Rank bid" removed. *)-Preview item gallery now show yes/no for gallery option on sell page.
How to upgrade =========== please update these files:
code files -----------
language/en-US/ delete these 2 variables from langauge manager ->edit->file Sell delete_uploaded_file_link delete_uploaded_file_link_edit
theme views -------------- theme/default/views/Sell.js theme/default/views/Sell.html theme/default/views/BiddingList.html theme/default/views/EditItem.html theme/default/views/EditProfile.html theme/default/views/PendingOffers.html theme/default/views/WatchList.html theme/default/views/ItemPreview.html theme/default/views/PreviewItem.html theme/default/views/ViewBuyItem.html theme/default/views/ViewItem.html
Premium manual upgrade customers subscribers will be updated by us.
Thank you