What way does this feature work ?\
My question would be is it possible to have a feature like it writes eg: 2000 lines, takes a 2-3 seconds break and continues ?
I'm in the process of moving to a new server, its almost impossible to backup the sites database into text files, however I have over come that problem by downloading sql tables as cvs files with lines determined by <~|||~> so I will upload those files after renaming to .sql.pm etc... but I have a feeling I will run into problems runing the backup database from text files function because it try's to do it in one go...\
Is it possible to have a feature that would write to the database (say 2000 lines) and then break for a few seconds and write again and break etc...\
The site has just under 5milion links
*)-if you have telnet (shell) access to your site, then you can use mysqldump tool to backup any database of any size without problems.
*)-Ask or hire your hosting to make the backup from the shell access and let them email it to you then ask your new hosting to load it after you email it to them, it is a single file backup.
*)-If your site control panel is plesk or cpanel then it has the phpmyadmin tool try to use it.
*)-Hire us for writing a spcial script to backup it and load it on the new server, this may cost about $200 to $250 as a custom work, if you are interested just send this custom order.