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Banners Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 11-13-10 12:53 AM next post first post

\ How can I make banner ads location sensitive? \ \ In other words when a location is picked from the locations menu a banner ad that is good for that location would show in a zone in my website?\ \ Zeus\ \
mewsoft mewsoft's personal page
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Re: Banners Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 11-13-10 03:21 PM next post previous post
Not Supported.

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zeus zeus's personal page
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Re: Banners Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 2 Posted on: 11-13-10 08:47 PM next post previous post

\ With all due respect ,\ \ Wouldn't this be contradictory to a classifieds listing and defeating the purpose?\ If I am going to look at the local sales in Helena Montana why would I care to see the sales of Macy's in New York city?\ \ I do understand these banners may also be used for self advertising of a website for the world to see.\ Yet I think the purpose of this program is to advertise for a local audience as well as the global consumer, is it not?\ \ It would be very nice to see this feature in the future upgrades, of course if you deem the option attractive.\ \ Thank you\ Zeus\
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Re: Banners Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 3 Posted on: 11-14-10 12:32 AM last post previous post
This is a clasifieds ads system not a banner system. ou can of course do your coding to do what ever you need since this is open source.

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