MySQl server 5.x used the reserved word "Reads" which we used in some tables columns in the forum software so it will generate errors on servers that have the MySQL server new version 5.x. We released the Boardawy updated for this. New installations will have no problem, only if you are going to update on your current forum installation, you need to do the following.
Go to your admin.cgi for the forum, click on Database & SQL manager, click on SQL Commander, in the text box enter this line exactly:
ALTER TABLE Forum_Forums CHANGE Reads Readx INT
Then click the button "Run Statement"
Now clear the textbox and enter this new line
ALTER TABLE Forum_Groups CHANGE Reads Readx INT
Now clear the textbox and enter this new line
ALTER TABLE Forum_Users_Info CHANGE Reads Readx INT
Then upgrade all the cgi file /forum/*cgi, *.pm, do not update any files under /data directory or you lose all your settings.