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huutotalo huutotalo's personal page
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category with specific "place Ad "template Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 12-05-13 09:25 AM next post first post
I carefully followed a thread on similar problem. I created a special format called "Apartment" and assigned to category "Apartment exchange". In creating this format I copied from general format, and unchecked the boxes for ACTIVE and REQUIRED from AD1-AD5. I went to place an ad to the category "Apartment exchange", but there was no change on the "Place ad" page. \ \ Please help.
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Re: category with specific "place Ad "template Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 12-05-13 07:52 PM next post previous post

Make sure the PostAd template has these classes:

Code: HTML    Select All    Expand All
</p><p><br />&lt;!--Ads1--&gt;<br />&lt;!--Ads2--&gt;<br />&lt;!--Ads3--&gt;<br />&lt;!--Ads4--&gt;<br />&lt;!--Ads5--&gt;<br />&lt;!--Ads6--&gt;<br />&lt;!--Ads7--&gt;<br />&lt;!--Ads8--&gt;<br />&lt;!--Ads9--&gt;<br />&lt;!--Ads10--&gt;<br />&lt;!--Ads11--&gt;<br />&lt;!--Ads12--&gt;<br />&lt;!--Ads13--&gt;<br />&lt;!--Ads14--&gt;<br />&lt;!--Ads15--&gt;<br />&lt;!--Ads16--&gt;<br />&lt;!--Ads17--&gt;<br />&lt;!--Ads18--&gt;<br />&lt;!--Ads19--&gt;<br />&lt;!--Ads20--&gt;<br />

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huutotalo huutotalo's personal page
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Re: category with specific "place Ad "template Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 2 Posted on: 12-06-13 09:40 AM next post previous post
I have the classes ad1-ad20 and ads1-ads20 on the place ad template, but still there is no change in the post ad for "Apartment exchange" category.
mewsoft mewsoft's personal page
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Re: category with specific "place Ad "template Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 3 Posted on: 12-06-13 02:18 PM next post previous post
Then you have something in your settings. If you copied the format, then added it to the category, it should display the fields when you select that category on the post ad page, nothing else.

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huutotalo huutotalo's personal page
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Re: category with specific "place Ad "template Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 4 Posted on: 12-09-13 10:21 AM next post previous post
Frankly, I have not understood the purpose of classes Ad1-Ad2 and Ads1-Ads2. I did not find any documentation on custom field manager. I think I will need some customisation.
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Re: category with specific "place Ad "template Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 5 Posted on: 12-09-13 05:35 PM last post previous post

I replied to your custom work request.


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