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Catgories not getiing displayed in post ad section Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 07-15-13 03:56 PM next post first post
Hi,\ \ While trying to post ads, while clicking on the categories button, no categories are displayed. Instead it says collapse all, click to select. If I click on collapse all nothing happens.\ \ \ Thanks
mewsoft mewsoft's personal page
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Re: Catgories not getiing displayed in post ad section Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 07-16-13 05:55 AM next post previous post
You may messed up the post ad template, it has JS code that should not change, restore this template or just copy the code from our demo.

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chennaifreeclassifieds chennaifreeclassifieds's personal page
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Re: Catgories not getiing displayed in post ad section Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 2 Posted on: 07-16-13 06:22 AM next post previous post
Hey, There is no post Ad template FYI, I can see only a Place Ad template. If you are referring to that. I have already replaced the templates from the original directory. As per you advice I have also copied and pasted the code into my admin area. Still it doesn't work!
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Re: Catgories not getiing displayed in post ad section Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 3 Posted on: 07-16-13 06:59 AM next post previous post

You already posted some ads:


try to restore things you modified, either the place ad template, PostAdCategories.html template, PostAdNodeCategories.html template, post ad language file.

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chennaifreeclassifieds chennaifreeclassifieds's personal page
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Re: Catgories not getiing displayed in post ad section Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 4 Posted on: 07-16-13 07:08 AM next post previous post
I tried to modify only the Place Ad template and I have replaced the file. I did not try anything. Help!
chennaifreeclassifieds chennaifreeclassifieds's personal page
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Re: Catgories not getiing displayed in post ad section Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 5 Posted on: 07-17-13 06:50 AM next post previous post
Any help would be appreciated!\ \ Thanks,
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Re: Catgories not getiing displayed in post ad section Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 6 Posted on: 07-17-13 11:43 PM last post previous post
I'd say restore all templates, language files, and the javascipts files in html/auctions folder.

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