To protect your website and your business, we recommend you to do daily or at least weekly full website backup.
This is very easy if you are using cpanel like our hosting or check your site control panel.
Our hosting has automatic configuration that does daily, weekly and monthly backup. However we recommend if you care about your business, to generate a backup from your cpanel and download it to your local computer and save it to DVD or Backup drive. How to generate and download full website backup from your site control panel
*)-Login to your site control panel cpanel normally at *)-Click on the icon "Backups". *)-Click the button "Download or Generate Full Website Backup". *)-Click the button "Generate Backup". *)-Wait until the process finish then you can download that backup file to your local computer.
How to delete backups to free space on your hosting *)-Login to your site control panel cpanel normally at
*)-Click on the icon "File Manager". *)-Click "Up One Level" to be on the folder /public_html/yourusername *)-Scroll down and you will see your backup files in the form backup-9.29.2013_14-09-56_yourdomain.tar.gz *)-Delete all old backup files to save space as this is added to your hosting quote.