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gofindit4me gofindit4me's personal page
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couple of niggling problems Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 10-27-11 12:33 AM next post first post
Ive got most things sorted now and its looking good but a couple of small problems still remain. Ive gone through your online Documentations but still cant find the answers.\ \ The search options are all selected but the search still only seems to be reading the titles and short descriptions. Also a major keyword for some new sites is DJ but for some reason the search totally ignores it.\ \ Also I have tried to create custom pages by following the instructions. A custom template in the new page name is created but nothing in the language section to edit the page or to be able to open that page. Can you advise what I might be missing?\ Thanks
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Re: couple of niggling problems Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 10-27-11 06:29 AM next post previous post

I remember I answered your first question in other post by you, In your admin ->Engine control, set these options:

Index Title for search:
Index Category for search:
Index Description for search:
Index Keywords for search:

Settigs will apply to the new submissions but will  not apply to sites already added to the database, so if you set these options to yes, you need to resubmit the sites you are testing.

As for the second question, by default the system will not index keywords that is less than 3 letters long to avoid things like is, am, he, do, hi,by, etc, etc.

if you want to find these say what you said Dj, you can use Dj* to search or expand the search term like Dj cds, etc.

Of course if this is something that you want and you know exactly what will lead to, you can set the system to index keywords with 2 letters length or even any other length, to do:

Edit the cgi file urlmgr.pm with any text editor like notepad , also upload and download it to the server in ascii mode, search for this line , line number 152:

if (!$Term || $Ignore{$Term} || $Term =~ /^\d+$/ || length($Term) < 3) {next;}

change the number "3" in the above line to "2" or any length you want, but remember to set all the ignore words in the admin for all verbs , and all 2 letters words that you knew to avoid filling database with useless keywords (admin option "Ignore these keywords when indexing"wink.

As for your last question, there is a custom language file also created with the same name in your language manager, you need to edit this file.

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gofindit4me gofindit4me's personal page
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Re: couple of niggling problems Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 2 Posted on: 10-27-11 12:52 PM next post previous post
OK I can sort out the first problem now, thanks.\ But Ive gone through the language manager and there doesnt seem to be a new file for me to edit in the name of the new page I created. Mypage is there with the instructions on what to do, but not the custom page I created.
gofindit4me gofindit4me's personal page
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an another small query Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 3 Posted on: 10-27-11 11:18 PM next post previous post
just thought of another question, not a problem, just a question.\ \ Is there a way of preventing the same URL being submitted more than once, or checking links to make sure they are still live?\ Ive seen those options on other PPC scripts and so wondered if this one can do similar?
mewsoft mewsoft's personal page
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Re: couple of niggling problems Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 4 Posted on: 10-28-11 12:06 AM next post previous post
Anything you do not see in the admin is not available, but of course we can add any feature as a custom programming if you want.

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gofindit4me gofindit4me's personal page
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problem Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 5 Posted on: 11-01-11 03:11 PM last post previous post
OK thanks for that, i probably will need a few custom functions soon.\ \ Another quick query, i can find the file i need to put small banner ads on the categories page. i wanted to put a couple on the right hand side. can you tell me which file i need? Ive got them up on the frontpage already\ \ thanks
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