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Customization Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 02-08-11 03:23 AM next post first post
Hi all \ 1. How can I disable error reporting? by default, it reveals sensitive information like home path! \ 2. What is the function of select your region on the left? Supposedly it should show only the categories and ads that are in that region. But it's not.\ 3. What is XCLASS besides CLASS? \ 4. Is there a complete list of CLASSes and XCLASSes with their definitions?\ 5. Where is CLASS::Welcome_User which is in CLASS::Welcome_Area?\ 6. Where is XCLASS::LiveTime which is in CLASS::Welcome_Area?\ That's all tonight
mewsoft mewsoft's personal page
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Re: Customization Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 02-08-11 04:41 AM next post previous post

1. How can I disable error reporting? by default, it reveals sensitive information like home path!

Errors means your installation not completed and you have to finish it. the normal is no errors for the user.

2. What is the function of select your region on the left? Supposedly it should show only the categories and ads that are in that region. But it's not.

Region is for Mutli countery or if you want to divide your countery by state, it is kind or organizing or filtering by location.

3. What is XCLASS besides CLASS?

The X or ! before the CLASS means it is disabled and it is just there to remind you that you can enable it by removing that extra letter if you want.

4. Is there a complete list of CLASSes and XCLASSes with their definitions?

Each template has its classes

5. Where is CLASS::Welcome_User which is in CLASS::Welcome_Area?

If you mean the text, it is in your language file General/homepage

6. Where is XCLASS::LiveTime which is in CLASS::Welcome_Area?

The XCLASS::LiveTime if enabled CLASS::LiveTime it display a JS live clock.

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hayakawa hayakawa's personal page
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Re: Customization Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 2 Posted on: 02-08-11 04:42 AM next post previous post
7. How can I turn off ad count appearing on the right of category name in paranthesis?\ 8. How can I customize new account sign-up page? I want to cut some fields and make some other optional.\ Thanks
hayakawa hayakawa's personal page
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Re: Customization Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 3 Posted on: 02-08-11 05:02 AM next post previous post
1. Errors means your installation not completed and you have to finish it. the normal is no errors for the user.\ \ installation is finished. is the error reporting (i got one as i'm adding a custom page wrongly from admin panel) just for admin and not for users?\ \ 2. Region is for Mutli countery or if you want to divide your countery by state, it is kind or organizing or filtering by location.\ \ when you select a region, ad counts on the categories table on the right are not affected. so a user misinterpret that. it should automatically update the count to region's ads.\ \ 3. That live clock is just based on the user's clock. it's not like ebay's official clock. An official clock may be better.\ \ 4. Each template has its classes\ \ I know but it's very time consuming to extract one by one. I thought you may have the list. \ \ 5. If you mean the text, it is in your language file General/homepage\ \ no. i want to find to customize its contents.
hayakawa hayakawa's personal page
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Re: Customization Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 4 Posted on: 02-08-11 05:04 AM next post previous post
9. There are CLASS::Body in some templates. What is the function and content of this class?
mewsoft mewsoft's personal page
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Re: Customization Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 5 Posted on: 02-27-11 06:13 AM last post previous post
This is the output of the program inside the templates and the output itself is build from other classes etc.

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