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Focusman01 Focusman01's personal page
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Default English Language Module vs Any other Language Module Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 08-23-10 04:38 AM next post first post



I understand by using English as default, all e-mails outbound and inbound would be in English.

The question:

What if another Language is added such as Spanish, Arabic or German but yet admin do not know how to read other Languages, only English. Example: The enduser is viewing the System in Spanish.

On the admin side, would the replies, outbound and inbound e-mails and inquirys automatically be in Spanish or English?

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Re: Default English Language Module vs Any other Language Module Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 08-23-10 08:24 AM next post previous post
of course you can do this simply by not ranslation these emails that you do not want in other languages.

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Focusman01 Focusman01's personal page
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Re: Default English Language Module vs Any other Language Mo Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 2 Posted on: 08-24-10 09:41 AM next post previous post




I understand by using English as default, all e-mails outbound and inbound would be in English.

The question:

What if another Language is added such as Spanish, Arabic or German but yet admin do not know how to read other Languages, only English. Example: The enduser is viewing the System in Spanish.

On the admin side, would the replies, outbound and inbound e-mails and inquirys automatically be in Spanish or English?


Don't mean to sound stupid or ignorant with message below, went to help page and got this: Object not found!

So, if you don't know, asked!

How can one obtain and setup the various languages within system?

Does each language consist of there own module?

Most important, how reliable is the language modules when it comes to expressing words?

Example: a positive word in English made mean a negative word in another language or vise versa.

MewSoft seems like a global company, who reaches out to all.
Therefor, wondering why MewSoft don't give web surfers the option of choosing there own language to view your main site or even the demo's or your sales presentations?

Is it because of a cost factor (modules)? resources on server? There is no truly method yet to translate smoothly one language to another? Positive words having a negative meaning in another language?

It would be nice to have a common place where all languages could meet (excluding politicians big grin ) and exchange info, goods and learn something new about each other.

Just trying to decide, either to go forward with as many languages as possible or stick to English?

Any input will be appreciated.
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Re: Default English Language Module vs Any other Language Module Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 3 Posted on: 08-24-10 07:32 PM last post previous post
Of course as your first guess budget is the first factor in every business, second is how far you will need it, if your site users are only speaking english then you should not add any more languages, other counteries like for example Spain, germany, Isreal, Suida Arabia etc most peoples speak at least 2 languages their own language and the English so these sites should offer the English as a second choice and their native language as first choice for their users.

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